Thursday, February 26, 2009

Michelle's Sleeveless Dress

My first reaction to seeing Michelle Obama in her sleeveless dresses was, "Oh, I remember when I could wear a sleeveless dress"...and that's how the image of public figures is filtered by our own experiences. The first time I realized that I had lost that well toned look was when I saw a photo of myself at an event when I was the chair of the dinner. I was about 50. Much to my shock I saw this flabby upper arm. I reacted by going on an immediate diet and attending two more classes a week at our local Y. But it didn't help. The damage was done. Now, with the help of Yoga and weights I've restored a little of the muscle to that part of my body, but it'll never look like Michelle's.

Why shouldn't she wear a dignified sleeveless dress like the one she wore to the President's Congressional speech? And, what would make Republicans yearn for the Barbara Bush look (dowdy) or the Mrs. Reagan look (uptight and emaciated). I guess Democratic women come under fire (remember the criticism of Hillary's hair?)because they stand for all uppity, independent women. Well, get used to it folks. There's two little girls growing up in the White House who are likely to have their own unique sense of style.

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