Thursday, August 28, 2008

Remembering the March on Washington

Tonight, August 28, is the 45th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. I had been a college activist in the civil rights movement and had participated in two previous marches while I was in college: the children's march and the prayer pilgrimage, both spearheaded by peace activist Bayard Rustin. I was, by 1963, expecting my first child and working for the International Union of Electrical Workers. Because we were bringing in close to a thousand union marchers, my overprotective boss, Jim Carey, stationed me on the Ellipse, near the White House, to handle IUE logistics. He told me not to go to the mall. He was worried about police overreaction and the police were edgy about civil rights violence. I was so eager to get to the "action" however that I did manage to slowly work my way to the reflecting pool. There I witnessed the most wonderful collection of people of every race, dressed for an outing (no jeans and tee shirts), union people, church leaders, doctors, lawyers, legislators--all demanding long denied justice and rights for African American citizens. The singing and the speeches, especially Dr. King's will live with me forever. It was the most loving, peaceful demonstration that had ever been seen.

Today as I consider the nomination of Barack Obama I think with such joy how I have waited for this opportunity to see us overcome the prejudices of the past. We can seize this unique moment in history to create a better nation, indivisible, with justice for all. Will we do it? Yes we can.


annawritedraw said...

You and the rest of the marchers paved the way for the rest of us. Yes we can only works as long as we DO. DO- stand up and be counted on election day. Vote.

annawritedraw said...

You and the rest of the marchers paved the way for all of us. Yes we can only works as long as we DO. DO- stand up and be counted on election day. Vote.

.................... said...

Dear Ruth:
I am writing a book about the March on Washington and would love to talk with you. Please email me at For my background see Thanks.