Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Are You Ready to Vote on November 2?

If you were feeling wishy-washy about the need to vote in Congressional and Senatorial races, I urge you to watch President Obama's speech at the University of Wisconsin. He rallied the troops with an inspiring oratory that let the students know he was depending on them to carry forth his agenda by voting on November 2.

Hopefully everyone realizes that it wasn't possible for the President's administration to cure all our problems in 20 months and beyond that it was impossible to move ahead on all programs with the intractable Republican opposition. But I think the gains that have been made are important. And it should be enough for Pennsylvanians to Elect Rep. Sestak to the Senate and put Onorato in the governor's seat.

You can watch the rally on you tube. Go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh2QcLq1ytc

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