Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Not a good post election morning

The Democrats suffered two important losses in Virginia and New Jersey and locally our efforts to overcome a 2/3 Republican registration failed. Our few local candidates didn't get elected either. The Virginia governor's race was not a surprise. The candidate just didn't have it -- no spark, no ideas, no meaningful positive campaign. BUT...why didn't African American and young voters turn out on his beahlf to help out the President the elected? Beats me! The quick flip flopping of the American people is a mystery. Yesterday they vote for change and a new direction, today they're down on President Obama and his policies. I lay it all to no politics -- that is: most Americans have no overall political perspective and point of view and are easily swayed to respond to what appears to be the current problem.

What's the beef against Obama? He said he would go for health care reform and he has -- his try to build a concensus approach was a mistake. But even in his own party he has foot draggers that block his efforts. Do you blast him from the left? What do we accomplish by doing that? He has to fight the right who still spread lies about him even doubting his citizenship.

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