National legislation to curb credit card abusive rip-offs of consumers, and the Administration's new gasoline standards have drawn the usual crooked responses from business opponents. The credit card companies are suddenly worried about your ability to get credit and the car makers are warning of higher automobile costs. Credit card companies have been allowed to run wild with inexplicable charges, interest rate hikes and fees. They don't care if you don't pay, they don't care if you're lured into using your credit card like an open money pit, they just want to be able to make as much money off your irresponsibility as they can. They welcome non payers, they frown on prompt payers. Soooo how come they are suddenly so worried about your ability to get credit? Follow the money and you'll see why. If you're a smart consumer and a smart voter you'll tell your members of congress you want prompt passage and prompt enforcement date...give them at the most 90 days between enactment for the bill to go into effect. And meanwhile, cut up some of those credit cards.
The new gas standards will help everyone's personal economy ... the additional cost of developing the vehicle will be quickly offset by fuel savings. The Administration estimates that you'll get back the difference between slightly higher vehicle costs and today's vehicle costs within three years. And best of all it's good for the environment.
Isn't it interesting that conservatives always worry about the impact of Federal debt on future generations, but never mention the impact of global warming on future generations or, the impact of credit debt on families. Shame on them. But you don't have to fall for their crooked reasoning. Think straight!
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