So now both my daughter and son-in-law are proud owners of bikes. Of course, unlike others around these parts, they've suited up in super duper safe outfits and helmets. I know my son in law is very happy to have his sweetie engaged in his favorite activity. I can't complain about danger since not one offspring of mine has cautioned me about scuba diving. But I do have a little nagging concern about the "others" on the road. Stay safe dear ones and be as happy as you look in this photo (see woman on the left) which I stole from my son in law's blog.
life is such a demanding balancing act... finding one's rung on the "ladder of risk" is a challenge... for the climber and the observer! but joy is oh so easy to recognize.
Tao of the American daughter : )
i walked past a line of people driving their cars this monday morning on the way to work.
the drivers had the same look upon their faces - completely removed from any sensation, or enjoyment. their transport merely that and nothing more.
not a single one looked happy. automatons en route to a destination. the journey something to be endured. for most, it's not much better at the weekend.
riding demands so much (sometimes a lot) but its rewards make it impossible to share in that banality.
you can go from plain flat-out hard work, frustration, worry, anticipation, disappointment with oneself, thrills, accomplishment, an innate interaction with the environment, awareness and intoxicating adventure, all in the same 10 miles of road.
that's what makes me want to ride.
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