Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teaching Grandsons Poker

In our family Thanksgiving is always the time for a family poker game. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. When my dear mother was not completely "there", she came to one Thanksgiving dinner and when the poker chips came out, sat down and with the skill of an old time dealer was able to win almost every pot. So naturally, as Thanksgiving is not too far away, I wanted to prepare my grandsons for their first family poker game (penny and two is our usual game). Ages 7 and 9, I thought they would have a hard time learning. I prepared a list of winning hands and began. I had to explain some poker etiquette, like it's not nice to stick your tongue out at the loser. But after that, they proceeded apace. Of course they have spent this visit absolutely killing us. In five card stud they draw full houses, four aces, straights, etc. etc. Luckily we've been playing with poker chips so no one is poorer. I guess it's not right for grandma to plan a career in poker for her grandsons. But it sure is tempting. With luck like that they could afford to go to MIT. Oops, I guess there was a movie about that!


annawritedraw said...

Thinking of those wonderful children while I watched Hilary. She did a great job. "No way, no how, no McCain."

Unknown said...

In fact, in the last few months, I have been planning a possible career switch to professional poker. This isn’t an article about the pros and cons of playing poker for a living. Everyone should consider their own situation carefully before making such a decision. This article is a chronicle of an experiment I conducted, to see if I could handle the lifestyle of a professional poker player. online pokemon